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  • Soccer Without Borders

We Thank You

By Heman Rai

Heman Rai is a recent graduate from Digital Harbor High School and the Soccer Without Borders Baltimore program. Originally from Nepal, Heman has recently accepted a full scholarship to Loyola University of Maryland where he will begin this fall.

Three years ago I met Ms. Gina, The Academic Director, but she was more than that to SWB. She was always there for us, with anything we need. She run soccer school for us, she teach us how to talk properly, help us with our language, vocabulary words, drive us to games and back home, and sometimes we would get lost on the road because she is not so good at reading maps. But nonetheless she was a mother figure to SWB, to me, to the rest of my teammates.

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Especially in my senior year of High School, I really got to work close with her. We started working on essays, scholarships, the FAFSA, and other applications. Ms. Gina was always texting me, calling me, coming to my home. She made sure I did everything that I was supposed to do to go to a four-year college. One day I told her I didn’t want to go to a four-year college. I told her that I wanted to start school at a two-year college. But she started explaining to me the difference between four-year and two-year colleges. She even explained this to my parents, with some help from my little sister. After that my parents wanted me to go to a four-year college and graduate from it.

Sometimes I wouldn’t spend enough time doing my essays because I wanted to play FIFA13 on my Xbox. Ms. Gina would say to me, “Xbox Chiana!” Which is Nepali for, “No more Xbox!” Now I have sold my Xbox and saved that money for college expenses. Because of her devoted help and SWB, today I am proud to say that, “I am a Loyola University of Maryland Greyhound!” I got accepted to four private colleges because of her help. She helped me with everything from witting essays to filing out scholarship applications. SWB and Ms. Gina helped me decide on which college to attend. Thank you Ms. Gina! I am going to miss you, my family is going to miss you, and SWB is going to miss you too! We Thank You, because you have helped us all.

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